Like other industries, the shredding industry is one that is always in transition. The most recent big news is Steri-Cycle acquired Shred It. The news we liked to bring our communities’ attention to is the fact that Steri-Cycle has specifically made it public their intended push to convert clients from on-site to off-site.
Along with our industry advocacy group Mobile Shredding Association, we strongly oppose any effort to diminish the value of on-site, witnessed secure document destruction. The move to convert clients to off-site shredding increases the complexity in managing document chain of custody, effectively removes client’s option to witness destruction, and creates a delay between receiving of client materials and the destruction of those materials which will certainly not take place immediately and may not take place within an appropriate amount of time. Legal Shred is primarily an on-site shredding service and are keen on providing clients the convenience and security of on-site secure destruction services.
At Legal Shred, we customize service to best accommodate each client’s needs. Please contact us to make sure you are getting the service that works best and provides the highest level of security. (845) 705-7279