Thanks for helping HV Shred Grow and reach 5th Anniversary

As we celebrate our 5th full year of service, this week, we’d like to take a moment to thank our community for making HV Shred a company that has grown despite the poor economy. 

 How can HV Shred have added payroll and purchased 2 new trucks in the last 2 years?  Through the support of a community that is solidly behind “Think Local First” and because document security has become vital to businesses large and small.

Despite getting started in the worst economic times in recent history, we are proud to have been able to increase our payroll every year since our inception in 2008 as well as having now purchased our third mobile shredding truck.

We know worse than paying taxes is paying fines and losing the trust of customers barely skims the surface.  Lots of talk about taxes and the fiscal cliff but businesses need to make sure they are wary of one of their most important assets—their reputations!  Dumpster divers, deficit mired government agencies, and even networks on slow news days are all quick to capitalize on businesses that don’t securely dispose of their confidential paperwork.

Though the economy is supposedly on the rebound, the fact is, many people are still struggling and that too often leads to increases in criminal activity.  Also a fact, criminals tend to go for the easy score—like dumpster diving.  Businesses that haven’t taken steps to securely dispose of their confidential paperwork are not only at risk for huge government fines (Uncle Sam is looking for easy money too!), but also more damaging loss of trust and business from clients/customers/patients. 

Investing in data security is simply a necessity.

If sensitive data falls into the wrong hands, it can lead to fraud, identity theft, or similar harms.  Given the cost of a security breach—losing clients’ trust and perhaps even defending yourself against a lawsuit—safeguarding confidential information is just plain good business.

We are all in this together.  Every businessperson be they a lawyer, doctor, banker, insurance broker, or dog trainer is also someone else’s client or patient or customer.  These key principles are fundamental to protecting our local and global community from the pitfalls of private information getting into the wrong hands.  There is a wealth of information available at and    

Not to mention, all the shredded paper is recycled—helping support efforts towards more sustainable businesses practices across the board.  Already this year, HV Shred clients have helped recycle over 400 tons of paperwork.

by HV Shred